
unusual facts about Lake Tana

Narga Selassie

Narga Selassie is a church on the western shores of Dek Island, the largest island of Lake Tana in northern Ethiopia.

Battle of Wayna Daga

He then reduced the number of the mercenary Ottoman arquebusiers to 200, and relying on his own forces retired to Emfraz near Lake Tana for the coming rainy season.

Blue Nile Falls

It is situated on the upper course of the river, about 30 km downstream from the town of Bahir Dar and Lake Tana.

Harwood's Francolin

This francolin is endemic to Ethiopia, having a range restricted to the Ethiopian highlands on either side of the Blue Nile river between Lake Tana and its confluence with the Jamma River, as well as its tributaries between these points.

Hormuzd Rassam

After being delayed for about a year in Massawa, Rassam at last received permission from the Emperor to enter his realm, but due to rebellions in Tigray was forced to follow a circuitous route taking him to Kassala, then to Metemma, along the western shore of Lake Tana to finally meet with Emperor Tewodros in northern Gojjam.

Qwara Province

Qwara (also spelled K'wara) was a province in Ethiopia, located between Lake Tana and the frontier with Sudan, and stretching from Agawmeder in the south as far north as Metemma.

Susenyos II

Accordingly Susenyos fled Gondar with the Empress Mentewab; first she sought refuge with Abuna Yosab in Emfraz only to be turned away, then after sending her valuables to safety on Dek Island in Lake Tana proceeded to Qwara.

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