
7 unusual facts about League of the Just

August Hermann Ewerbeck

A physician by vocation and a German by birth, Ewerbeck is best remembered as an early political associate of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, as a leader of the Parisian communities of the utopian socialist organization, League of the Just, and as the translator of the French writings of Étienne Cabet and Ludwig Feuerbach into German.

Fraternal Democrats

The society embraced representatives of Left Chartists, German workers and craftsmen – members of the League of the Just – and revolutionary emigrants of other nationalities.

German Workers Educational Association

The organisation served during its initial years as the "above-ground" arm of the underground League of the Just and later as a mass organisation of the Communist League.

Joseph Moll

In 1836, Moll was expelled from Switzerland and went to Paris, where he joined the 'League of the Just', then under the influence of the utopian communist Wilhelm Weitling.

Karl Schapper

He joined the French section of 'Young Germany' and the communist 'League of the Banned', soon renamed 'League of the Just'.

Karl von Bruhn

Because of his philosophical beliefs, Bruhn joined the League of Outlaws and the League of the Just.

Louis Auguste Blanqui

In May 1839, a Blanquist inspired uprising took place in Paris, in which the League of the Just, forerunners of Karl Marx's Communist League, participated.

see also