
unusual facts about Lebanese Forces

Karol Sakr

She is the daughter of the Lebanese exiled politician Etienne Sakr, a former member of the Lebanese Forces and leader of the far-right Guardians of the Cedars.

2006–08 Lebanese political protests

The anti-Syrian politicians were primarily members of the March 14 Alliance led by Saad Hariri, son of assassinated former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea, and PSP leader Walid Jumblatt, amongst others.

Fouad Abou Nader

The Liberty Front is a Lebanese political movement, social-democratic & independent, heir of the “Front for Freedom & Man” founded in 1976 by Dr. Charles Malik and the political offspring of the Resistance of the Front’s parties & movements fighters who cooperated in the “Lebanese Forces Command Council”.

Lebanese Forces – Executive Command

The LFU was formed by Hobeika at Zahlé out of his LF supporters, who sought refuge in the Syrian-controlled Beqaa after being ousted from East Beirut in January 1985 by the Lebanese Forces' faction led by Samir Geagea.

Safra massacre

The Safra massacre, or Day of the Long Knives, occurred in the coastal town of Safra (north of Beirut) on 7 July 1980, during the Lebanese civil war, as part of Bashir Gemayel's effort to consolidate all the Christian fighters under his leadership in the Lebanese Forces.

see also

Palestinian political violence

The group's leader Abu Youssef Sharqieh was captured by Lebanese forces during the 2007 conflict in Palestinian refugee camps.