
2 unusual facts about Lee Rhiannon

Free German Youth

New South Wales Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon was a member while on exchange in the DDR in the mid 1960s.

Union of Australian Women

In 1981, for example, NSW state secretary Lee Gorman pledged the UAW's support in pursuing the case of four women appealing to the Anti-Discrimination Board for being stood down by the Urban Transit Authority for being pregnant.

Single-issue politics

For instance, in the New South Wales state election, 1999, candidate Malcolm Jones received just 0.2% of the primary vote, but achieved the quota of 4.5% required to win a Legislative Council seat after receiving preferences from a wide range of minor parties (including both the 'Gun Owners and Sporting Hunters Rights Party' and the 'Animal Liberation Party'); MLC Lee Rhiannon accused many of these parties of being nothing more than fronts.

see also