The African American sidekick role, played by actor Dennis Haysbert, is believed to be based on the experiences of several black players in Japan, including Leon and his older brother Leron Lee.
With the support of his older brother, former American Major League player Leron Lee who was playing for the Lotte Orions, a Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) team, Leon was able to make the move to Japan.
Robert E. Lee | Spike Lee | Jerry Lee Lewis | Bruce Lee | Peggy Lee | Lee Konitz | John Lee Hooker | Christopher Lee | Lee | Stan Lee | Lee Kuan Yew | Jamie Lee Curtis | Ang Lee | Washington and Lee University | Tim Berners-Lee | Lee Hsien Loong | Lee Strasberg | Stewart Lee | Rickie Lee Jones | Lee Marvin | Lee Greenwood | Gypsy Rose Lee | Fort Lee, New Jersey | Brenda Lee | Lee Harvey Oswald | Tommy Lee | Tommy Lee Jones | Lee Ranaldo | Dolores Lee | Lee H. Hamilton |