In 1985, he suffered a hearing loss when a bomb, disguised as a manuscript, was opened at his house by his research assistant Nicklaus Suino.
V-1 flying bomb | bomb | The Scarlet Letter | Bomb the Bass | laser-guided bomb | Dear John letter | White-letter Hairstreak | Letter-winged Kite | Letter of Majesty | Bomb | Tsunami Bomb | Soviet atomic bomb project | National Letter of Intent | letter | National Association of Letter Carriers | Gama Bomb | Chi (letter) | bouncing bomb | Bomb the System | Bomb disposal | Beta (letter) | Barons' Letter, 1301 | Warrington bomb attacks | The Nude Bomb | The Johns Hopkins News-Letter | The Bomb Squad | The Bomb (band) | The Bomb | Strawberry Letter 23 | New Bomb Turks |
In April 2011, McBride, Neil Lennon and Trish Godman, public figures all connected with Celtic, were sent parcel bombs.
Williamson addressed a letter-bomb to exiled anti-apartheid activist, Marius Schoon, in Angola but killed Schoon's wife Jeanette and daughter Katryn on 28 June 1984.
As a Lehi member, Heruti was stationed in Britain and assembled the letter bomb that was sent to Roy Farran.