"The Lass of Aughrim," an Irish version of "The Lass of Roch Royal," figures prominently in the story "The Dead" by James Joyce.
Irish | Irish people | Irish language | Provisional Irish Republican Army | Irish Republican Army | British and Irish Lions | The Irish Times | Notre Dame Fighting Irish football | List of Hondurans | Irish Independent | IUCN Red List | Irish War of Independence | Irish mythology | Irish Sea | Schindler's List | List of Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education faculty | Irish Free State | List of Maverick episodes | List of women in the Heritage Floor | Irish nationalism | List of Doctor Who audio plays by Big Finish | Royal Irish Academy | Old Irish | List of heavyweight boxing champions | List of Disney Channel Original Movies | List of Governors of New York | Notre Dame Fighting Irish | List of Swiss ice hockey champions | List of Presidents of the United States | List of films considered the worst |