Titicut Follies is a 1967 American documentary film directed by Frederick Wiseman and filmed by John Marshall, about the patient-inmates of Bridgewater State Hospital for the criminally insane, a Massachusetts Correctional Institution in Bridgewater, Massachusetts.
Massachusetts | U.S. state | Georgia (U.S. state) | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | São Paulo (state) | Secretary of State | Washington (U.S. state) | state | United States Department of State | Moscow State University | United States Secretary of State | Cambridge, Massachusetts | Massachusetts House of Representatives | Ohio State University | Michigan State University | New York State Assembly | State Senator | New York State Senate | Rio de Janeiro (state) | Massachusetts General Hospital | Louisiana State Legislature | Iowa State University | Pennsylvania State University | Louisiana State University | Santa Catarina (state) | Lowell, Massachusetts | Florida State University | Paraná (state) | Worcester, Massachusetts | Vienna State Opera |