
unusual facts about Lithuanian American

St. Wenceslaus in Baltimore

In recent years, the ethnic character of St. Wenceslaus parish has undergone a gradual change from a majority Czech parish to one that is multicultural and multiracial, first as many Poles and Lithuanians moved into the neighborhood, and then as the neighborhood shifted to having an African American majority.

The Case of the Toxic Spell Dump

The situation is saved due to the surprise appearance of the Lithuanian god Perkūnas - whose worship still flourishes in this 20th century - who heeds the prayer of a Lithuanian American devotee and lends his assistance to defeat the bloodthirsty local god.

see also


Anthony Bimba (1894-1982), Lithuanian-American radical journalist and historian

Embracing Mainstream Success

Embracing Mainstream Success is the sixth studio album by the Lithuanian-American heavy metal band Steel Wolf.

Lipka Tatars

Charles Bronson - Polish-Lithuanian American actor whose father was a Lipka Tatar, born in Druskininkai (Druskienik)

Palace of the Soviets

The Lithuanian-American artist William Zorach "let out a cry of protest, charging that the Soviets had stolen an idea submitted by him for a Lenin memorial in Leningrad" in vain.


The song Aš kanapį sėjau (I Sowed a Hemp), taken from the 2005 album Žalio vario was featured on Transformations in Lithuanian Song – a 2006 compilation CD that covered the development of Lithuanian folk music over many years, published by the Lithuanian-American journal Lituanus.