Liza Minnelli | Ramada | Liza Tarbuck | Liza Greer | Ramada Jarvis | Liza of Lambeth | Liza Marklund | Liza Featherstone | Love Liza | Liza with a Z | Liza's at the Palace...! | Liza Lou | Liza Huber | Liza Fromer | Liza Cody | Liza and Louise | Evangelos & Liza |
Eel (Anguilla anguilla), four species of Mugilidae (Liza saliens, Liza aurata, Liza ramada and Mugil cephalus), two species of Sparidae (Sparus aurata and Diplodus annularis) and one species of Mullidae (Mullus barbatus) represent more than 92% of the total annual landings.