
unusual facts about Lluïsa Cunillé


Laura McGloughlin

Translations include Lluisa Cunillé's play The Sale (Parthian, 2008), Stone in a Landslide by Maria Barbal (Peirene, 2010), Toni Hill Gumbao's crime novel The Summer of Dead Toys, and The Island of Final Truth by Flavia Company.

Ventura Pons

Since 1995 he has chosen to adapt dramatic and comic texts of Catalan writers like Quim Monzó (What It's All About), Josep Maria Benet i Jornet (Actresses, Amic/Amat), Sergi Belbel (Caresses, To Die (or not)), Lluís-Anton Baulenas (Anita Takes a Chance, Idiot Love), Jordi Puntí (Wounded animals), Ferran Torrent (Life on the edge) and Lluïsa Cunillé (Barcelona (a map)).

see also