
3 unusual facts about Locomobile Company of America

History of Bridgeport, Connecticut

Famous factories included Wheeler & Wilson, which produced sewing machines and exported them throughout the world, Remington UMC, Bridgeport Brass, General Electric Company, American Graphophone Company (Columbia Records), Warner Brothers Corset Company (Warnaco) and the Locomobile Company of America, builder of one of the premier automobiles in the early years of the century.

Kempthorne Prosser

In 1901 as the first Dunedin citizen to own a car he created a minor sensation when he was driven along Princes Street in his steam-operated two cylinder Locomobile with one of his company's engineers at the tiller.

Peter Helck

In 1941 Helck acquired the famous Locomobile Old 16 racecar, which had won the 1908 Vanderbilt Cup, the first American-made car to win a race against international competition.

Gilmore Car Museum

The collection ranges from the 1886 Benz, to the 1899 Locomobile, to muscle cars of the 1960s, as well as alternative fuel cars like the Stanley Steamer, and the Western Michigan University Sunchaser solar race car.

see also