
2 unusual facts about Long Acre

Albert Joseph Moore

He executed other important decorative works, like 'The Last Supper' and some paintings for a church at Rochdale, the hall at Claremont, the proscenium of the Queen's Theatre, Long Acre, and a frieze of peacocks for Mr. Lehmann.

Long Acre, London

Odhams was bought by the International Publishing Corporation (IPC) in 1961, and the site was closed down in 1969.

Longacre Square

--a citation is needed: George Washington stayed in Long Acre while in New York during the American Revolutionary War.-->by the mid-19th century, after Long Acre, similarly a carriage-making district in London, that was also a home to stables.

Power Comics

Each title had its own letter column (such as "Fantastic Fan-mail"), and also a half-page editorial ("News from the Floor of 64", a reference to the editorial offices at 64 Long Acre in London, an address common to all of the Power Comics), comparable in style and purpose to Marvel's "Bullpen Bulletins".

see also