The Los Angeles Police Department created the first Threat Management Unit, the Los Angeles Police Department Threat Management Unit, founded by retired LAPD Captain Robert Martin, in 1990 after the murder of actress Rebecca Lucile Schaeffer.
Los Angeles | Los Angeles Times | United States Department of Defense | Los Angeles Dodgers | United States Department of State | United States Department of Justice | United States Department of Agriculture | Central processing unit | United States Department of Energy | Los Angeles Lakers | Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | United States Department of War | police | The Police | Los Angeles County Museum of Art | Management | Los Angeles Philharmonic | United States Department of Veterans Affairs | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | United States Department of the Treasury | Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim | War Department | Los Angeles International Airport | Los Alamos National Laboratory | Metropolitan Police Service | The Unit | Los Angeles Police Department | Federal Emergency Management Agency | United States Department of Transportation | Bureau of Land Management |