
unusual facts about Louis VII of France

Flower and Hawk

In her long life of eighty-two years she was born the Duchess of Aquitaine and Countess of Poitou, became Queen of France through marriage to Louis VII, and later became Queen of England when she married Henry II.

Holy Ampulla

The Holy Ampulla or Holy Ampoule (Sainte Ampoule in French) was a glass vial which, from its first recorded use by Pope Innocent II for the anointing of Louis VII in 1131 to the coronation of Louis XVI in 1774, held the chrism or anointing oil for the coronation of the kings of France.

Hugh de Lacy, Lord of Meath

Next year he was fighting for Henry in France, and held Verneuil against Louis VII for a month; but at the end of that time the town was forced to capitulate.

Rainald of Dassel

Rainald was also employed in diplomatic negotiations with Genoa, Pisa, and Louis VII; these, however, failed.

see also

Agnes of France

Agnes of France, Byzantine Empress (1171 – after 1207), daughter of Louis VII of France and Adèle of Champagne; wife of Alexios II Komnenos, Andronikos I Komnenos, Theodore Branas