
4 unusual facts about Louis XVIII of France

Chateaubriand steak

Chateaubriand steak, or just chateaubriand, is a recipe of a particular thick cut from the tenderloin (fillet), which, according to Larousse Gastronomique, was created by personal chef, Montmireil, for François-René de Chateaubriand and Sir Russell Retallick, the authors and diplomats who served Napoleon as an ambassador and Louis XVIII as Secretary of State for two years.

Eliza Jumel

Her opinions and actions in France proved too controversial, and in 1816, she was asked to leave the country by King Louis XVIII.

Jean-Baptiste Cléry

Cléry became valet to the Count of Provence (future Louis XVIII) and gave him his journal detailing the events of the revolution.

Order of Saint Louis

One of the first acts of Louis XVIII was to reinstate the Order of Saint Louis, awarding it to officers of the Royal and Imperial armies alike.

Antoine Pierre Berryer

In the great conflict of the period between Napoleon I and the Bourbons, Berryer, like his father, was an ardent Legitimist; and in the spring of 1815, at the opening of the campaign of the Hundred Days, he followed Louis XVIII of France to Ghent as a volunteer.

Barthélemy Catherine Joubert

A monument to Joubert at Bourg-en-Bresse was razed by order of Louis XVIII, but another memorial was afterwards erected at Pont de Vaux.

François Joseph Bosio

Louis XVIII made Bosio a Knight of the Order of Saint Michael in 1821 and appointed him premier sculpteur du Roi.

François-Étienne de Damas

The restored king Louis XVIII of France made him a colonel and commander of the garde royale de Paris (later known as the gendarmerie royale).

French nobility

The Restoration of Louis XVIII saw the return of the old nobility to power (while ultra-royalists clamored for a return of lost lands).

Gennaro Spinelli, Prince of Cariati

During Luigi de' Medici's constitutional Neapolitan government following the restoration of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Spinelli was sent to Paris on a diplomatic mission of Louis XVIII of France and to Vienna on one to Francis II (both in 1820).

Jean Michel Constant Leber

When the question of the coronation of Louis XVIII arose, he wrote, as an answer to Volney, a minute treatise on the Harmonies du sacre, which was published at the time of the coronation of Charles X.

Louis-François Bertin

In 1814 he regained possession, restored the old title, and continued his support of the royalist cause during the Hundred Days, joining Louis XVIII in the Southern Netherlands, where he edited the Moniteur Universel as Moniteur de Gand.

Madeleine Cemetery

One of the first decisions of Louis XVIII when he acceded to the throne of France at the time of the Bourbon Restoration, was to move the remains of his brother and sister-in-law, King Louis XVI and his Queen Marie Antoinette, to the necropolis of the Kings of France, the Basilica of St Denis.

Maximilien Radix de Sainte-Foix

Comte d'Artois was the youngest of the three sons of Louis, Dauphin of France (son of Louis XV) and Marie Leszczyńska and, unlike his two brothers Louis XVI and the future Louis XVIII, was inclined for the most part to easy and expensive pleasures, while reluctant to engage in reading and reflection.

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