
unusual facts about Love in a Cold Climate

Pont Street

In Nancy Mitford's Love in a Cold Climate, the heroine's aunt, who is bringing her up to mix in the best society, is said to "keep her nose firmly to Pont Street".

Gaston Palewski

In the English-speaking world Palewski is known chiefly through his appearance as Fabrice, duc de Sauveterre, in two of Nancy Mitford's novels, The Pursuit of Love (1945) and Love in a Cold Climate (1949).

Sheila Gish

She continued to be best known for her stage work, but she also appeared in many television dramas, from The First Churchills (in which she played Mary of Modena) to the successful adaptation of Love in a Cold Climate (2001) in which she played the eccentric and outrageous Lady Montdore.

The Pursuit of Love

Carrie Bradshaw is shown reading the Vintage Books omnibus edition of The Pursuit of Love and Love in a Cold Climate in Sex and the City 2.

see also