It is home to the Museo delle Antiche Genti di Lucania (Museum of the Ancient People of Lucania), which, houses the Lucan portrait of Leonardo da Vinci, an alleged portrait of Leonardo da Vinci discovered in 2008.
Leonardo da Vinci | National Portrait Gallery | Leonardo DiCaprio | National Portrait Gallery (London) | National Portrait Gallery (United States) | National Portrait Gallery, London | The Da Vinci Code | portrait | Lucan | Leonardo | Portrait miniature | Da Vinci's Inquest | National Portrait Gallery (United Kingdom) | Leonardo Balada | A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man | Vinci | Leonardo Pieraccioni | Leonardo Leo | Leonardo Araújo | Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer | Da Vinci's Demons | Portrait Records | Portrait of Madame X | Portrait | Leonardo Manco | Leonardo Bistolfi | San Leonardo de Alba de Tormes | Portrait of Clare | portrait miniature | Leonardo Vieira |