
unusual facts about Ludwig I, King of Bavaria

Anna Sprengel

Anna Sprengel (allegedly died in 1891), countess of Landsfeldt, love-child of Ludwig I of Bavaria and Lola Montez, is a person whose existence was never proven, and whom it now seems was invented by William Wynn Westcott to confer legitimacy on the Golden Dawn.

Grange, County Sligo

However, its one claim to fame is as the birthplace of Lola Montez - dancer, courtesan and mistress of King Ludwig I of Bavaria.

Historia naturalis palmarum

Their expedition was sponsored by the King of Bavaria, Maximilian I, with instructions to investigate natural history and tribal Indians.

Jane Digby

She then moved on to Munich and became the lover of Ludwig I of Bavaria.

She had four husbands and many lovers, including King Ludwig I of Bavaria, his son King Otto of Greece, statesman Felix Schwarzenberg, and an Albanian brigand general (the Bulgarian Hadji Christo).

Jemima von Tautphoeus

She was married on 29 January 1838 to Cajetan Josef Friedrich, baron von Tautphœus of Marquartstein (1805–1885), chamberlain to the king of Bavaria, and the remainder of her life was principally spent in Bavaria, where she was equally at home in court circles and, as her works evince, with the peasantry and the middle classes.

Marianna Marquesa Florenzi

She was for forty years a lover and close friend of Ludwig I of Bavaria, whom she visited more than thirty times.

see also