
3 unusual facts about Luiseño people


Jamie Okuma (Luiseño-Shoshone-Bannock) has won top awards with her beaded dolls, which can include entire families or horses and riders, all with fully beaded regalia.

Constance Goddard DuBois

She began making treks into the San Diego backcountry, to meet the surviving communities of Diegueño and Luiseño Indians.

James Luna

James Luna (born 1950) is a Pooyukitchum (Luiseño) and Mexican-American performance artist and multimedia installation artist, living on the La Jolla Indian Reservation in California.

California State University San Marcos

The original mascot of the campus was Tukwut, the name for the California mountain lion in the Luiseño language of the local Native American Luiseño people.


However, a study by University of California, Los Angeles linguist Pamela Munro focusing on four words and two songs spoken and sung by Juana Maria suggests Nicoleño was most similar to the related languages spoke by the Luiseños of Northern San Diego County and of the Juaneños near San Juan Capistrano.

William Bright

Bright was also known for his research on the native American languages Nahuatl, Kaqchikel, Luiseño, Ute, Wishram, and Yurok, and the South Asian languages Lushai, Kannada, Tamil, and Tulu.

see also