His Migrant for bassoon and string quartet was premiered in Munich on 14 March 2011, played by Lyndon Watts, Clèment Courtin, Namiko Fuse, Konstantin Sellheim and Graham Waterhouse.
Lyndon B. Johnson | Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center | Den Watts | Naomi Watts | Charlie Watts | Merrick Watts | Barry Lyndon | Alan Watts | George Frederic Watts | Lyndon LaRouche | Ivo Watts-Russell | Watts Towers | Reggie Watts | Isaac Watts | Watts Riots | Trevor Watts | Peter Watts | John Watts | Jeff "Tain" Watts | Bill Watts | Angie Watts | Watts Mortuary Chapel | Watts | Watts Gallery | The Years of Lyndon Johnson | Robert Watts | Lyndon | George Washington Watts | Andre Watts | Wintter Watts |