
unusual facts about Mórrígan


Her daughters include the trinity of eponymous Irish goddesses Ériu, Banba and Fódla, the trinity of war goddesses the Badb, Macha and the Mórrígan (who is also named Anann), and also a trinity of sons, Glonn, Gnim, and Coscar.

Morrigan Press

Morrigan Press Inc. is a pen and paper roleplaying game publisher headquartered in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada.


The Morrígan ("great queen") or Morrígan ("terror" or "phantom queen") (aka Morrígu, Mórríghan, Mhór-Ríoghain) is a figure from Irish mythology widely considered to be a goddess or former goddess.

Tony Bailie

A short story, The Druid’s Dance was featured in the crime fiction anthology Requiems for the Departed, published by Morrigan Books in June 2010, which also featured fellow Irish writers Ken Bruen, Stuart Neville, Arlene Hunt, Brian McGilloway, and Sam Millar.

see also