
unusual facts about M.A. Numminen

Erkki Kurenniemi

In parallel with his work on designing the studio, Kurenniemi also built electronic instruments for customers, including the Finnish avant-garde artist M. A. Numminen, the composer Osmo Lindeman and the Swedish composer Ralph Lundsten.

Finnish profanity

The word is very common in the country and likely the best known expletive abroad, and enjoys a kind of emblematic status; for instance, the Finnish black metal band Impaled Nazarene named its 1994 patriotic album Suomi Finland Perkele (using the word as a reference to Finnishness, not to the devil) and the more conventional M. A. Numminen released a 1971 album known as Perkele! Lauluja Suomesta ("Perkele! Songs from Finland").

Harri J. Rantala

2006: M. A. Numminen: Sedena con la mia donnna nel parco del parlamento

M. A. Numminen

Additionally, M.A. Numminen has been one of the unsung pioneers of Finnish electronic music, known for his collaborations with the composer and inventor Erkki Kurenniemi who built for Numminen a "singing machine" with which Numminen participated in a singing contest in 1964, and in the late 1960s the electronic instrument Sähkökvartetti ("Electric Quartet"), the performance of which wreaked havoc in a youth festival in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Pepe Willberg

M. A. Numminen ystävineen: M. A. Numminen In memoriam (1967) (vocal in "Viiskulmassa on viisi kulmaa")

S. Albert Kivinen

Besides his writings based on the mythos created by H. P. Lovecraft, he has also recorded politico-philosophic songs even with the co-operation of such notable Finnish artists as M. A. Numminen.

Suomen Talvisota 1939–1940

Lyrics for the band were provided under pseudonyms by M.A. Numminen and the Turku poets Markku Into (under the pseudonym Taannehtiva Seuralainen) and Jarkko Laine (under the pseudonym Lauri Kenttä, a reference to Superman's alter ego, Clark Kent).

see also

Tango on intohimoni

Tango on intohimoni (or Tango is my Passion) is a novel about Finnish tango written by M. A. Numminen.