
2 unusual facts about Madidi National Park

Conservation Strategy Fund

Some notable achievements include helping to establish 1.5 million acres of protected area in central Brazil, helping local people divert the construction of a road through Volcán Barú National Park in Panama, successfully preventing construction of a dam that would have flooded significant portions of Madidi National Park in Bolivia, and delaying the paving of highway BR-319 in the Brazilian Amazon which, without proper safeguards, could have inflicted harm on the world's largest rainforest.

Uncontacted peoples

The presence of other groups, such as the Nahua in Madidi National Park has yet to be confirmed.

White-bellied Parrot

It is generally fairly common throughout its range and is easily seen in a wide range of protected areas, such as the Manú National Park and Tambopata-Candamo in Peru, Cristalino State Park (near Alta Floresta), Xingu National Park and Amazônia National Park in Brazil, and Madidi National Park in Bolivia.

see also

Caquihuara, Madidi, Bolivia

It is a supplement to the original eco-lodge near the village of San Miguel del Bala, and the new eco-lodge in Caquihuara is a base for tours in the Madidi National Park.

San Miguel del Bala

Its nearest neighbour is the Madidi National Park, world famous as one of the places on earth with the widest biodiversity.San Miguel del Bala is south of Rurrenabaque on the west bank of the Beni River.