
unusual facts about Mailing list

Poisonous Candy Factory

The DVD was announced in January 2008, via the official Mailing list email update and shortly after, announced officially.

Triple Nine Society

Members communicate with one another through email lists, a Facebook group, two Yahoo! Groups, a Linked-In group and a scheduled weekly IRC chat, and meet at arranged gatherings; European members have established a group in XING.

see also

And Your Bird Can Sing

In 2009, Chicago-based Chiptune / NES-Rock band I Fight Dragons released a cover as a mp3 download to subscribers of their mailing list.

Australian Horror Writers Association

Other projects established by the AHWA include the Southern Horror Yahoo! Group mailing list for members, an annual flash fiction and short story competition (winning entries are published in Midnight Echo magazine), online chatrooms and forums, a Market Hive (markets database for current horror fiction markets), an annual mentorship programme, and ongoing story critiquing groups.

Elias Levy

Elias Levy (also known as Aleph One), was the moderator of the full disclosure vulnerability mailing list Bugtraq from May 14, 1996, until he stepped down on October 15, 2001.


Stephen Tweedie first revealed that he was working on extending ext2 in Journaling the Linux ext2fs Filesystem in a 1998 paper, and later in a February 1999 kernel mailing list posting.


They have also given away promo cards for Christmas to members of their online mailing list and in High Times magazine.

IEEE 754 revision

More than 90 people attended at least one of the monthly meetings, which were held in Silicon Valley, and many more participated through the mailing list.

Littleton Coin Company

Sundman and Littleton moved from a concentration upon advertising in magazines targeted to a young male readership to ads in the Sunday supplements inserted into mass circulation newspapers, with one particularly successful campaign which offered 10 free Bohemia-Moravia stamps depicting Adolf Hitler ultimately distributing half a million sets, boosting the company's mailing list, and cementing Littleton's place as one of the "Big Five" American stamp dealers of the day.


LiViD, former mailing list about video playback on GNU/Linux

Meng Weng Wong

SPF quickly caught on among the opensource community, receiving mentions on Slashdot, on Dave Farber's influential Interesting-People mailing list, and elsewhere.

Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving

Within that first year a mailing list was established, the newsletter Connections was mailed to all Ontario high schools, the first student reps were in place and the Attorney General, Ian Scott was the special guest at the SADD Ontario Action Conference with 150 delegates in attendance.

Python syntax and semantics

For instance, the Mailman mailing list software, written in Python, uses exceptions to jump out of deeply-nested message-handling logic when a decision has been made to reject a message or hold it for moderator approval.


RC4 was initially a trade secret, but in September 1994 a description of it was anonymously posted to the Cypherpunks mailing list.


The idea for SafetyLit came from an electronic mailing list service provided in the early- to mid-1990s by the librarians at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC).


The software was hosted on a PDP-10 at MIT that also ran a CP/M mailing list Mr. Petersen subscribed to.

Soulseek Records

Upon its creation, Soulseek drew a large userbase of independent electronic musicians, with a large number of them coming from the IDM Mailing List.