
unusual facts about Management Science

Harry H. Goode

Harry Goode worked on the research frontiers of Management Science, Operations Research and Systems engineering in connection with organisms as systems, the reactions of groups, models of human preference, the experimental exploration of human observation, detection, and decision making, and the analysis and synthesis of speech.

Joern Meissner

Meissner received MA in Business Management in 1997 at the University of Hamburg, and his Ph.D. in Management Science in 2005 from the Columbia Business School under the supervision of Professors Awi Federgruen and Costis Maglaras.

see also

Axel Ockenfels

Engineering Trust - Reciprocity in the Production of Reputation Information. In: Management Science, Volume 59: 265-285 (with Gary E. Bolton und Ben Greiner).

Geoffrey Parker

Geoffrey G Parker (born 1963), American professor of management science

Robert Sutton

Robert I. Sutton, professor of management science and engineering in the Stanford Engineering School