
unusual facts about Mandate for Palestine

Iraqi revolt against the British

At the San Remo Conference in April 1920, Great Britain was awarded the Mandate for Iraq, (called Mesopotamia in the Western world at the time) as well as the Mandate for Palestine.

Tel Azaziat

The two powers had to solve the difficult task for a creation of a boundary line running from Metula to Tel Dan until the Gulf of Eilat, after Britain had been given a League of Nations mandate for Palestine in 1922.

see also

Hatzor Airbase

On 15 March 1948, as the British Mandate for Palestine drew to a close, the RAF evacuated the airfield and it was taken over by Haganah forces.

Palestinian Police

Palestine Police Force, the British colonial police service established in the British Mandate for Palestine

Transjordan memorandum

On September 16, 1922, Lord Balfour, representing the United Kingdom, reminded the Council of the League of Nations of Article 25 of the Mandate for Palestine (which had been previously approved but had not yet come into effect).