
unusual facts about Marcio Mattos

Simon Fell

Other groups in which Fell is or was a member include the free jazz trio Badland (led by saxophonist Simon Rose; initially the drummer was Mark Sanders, with Steve Noble subsequently taking over the role), the improvising string+percussion ensemble ZFP (with Carlos Zingaro, Marcio Mattos and Mark Sanders), and SFQ, a quartet/quintet with changing membership, though clarinettist Alex Ward has been a constant.

see also

Amancio D'Silva

Living in Essex in the 1980s, he would play regularly at jazz clubs in Ipswich, as well as a series of concerts at St. Mary's Arts Centre in Colchester around 1985, which featured amongst others Marcio Mattos on double bass, and also concerts at Norwich Arts Centre.

Spontaneous Music Ensemble

The Source - From and Towards (1971, Tangent Records) (recorded 18 November, 1970; featuring Trevor Watts, Ray Warleigh, Brian Smith, Ken (sic) Wheeler, Bob Norden, Chris Pyne, Mike Pyne, Ron Matthewson, Marcio Mattos, John Stevens)