
unusual facts about Marie de Rohan-Montbazon, duchesse de Chevreuse

Château d'Artigny

The Château d'Artigny was built between 1919 and 1928 in the Commune of Montbazon, in the department of Indre-et-Loire, France.

Duchy of Montbazon

The Duchy of Montbazon is the area around Montbazon, near Tours, in France.

Duke of Chevreuse

It was sold in 1655 to his wife, Marie de Rohan, who transferred it to the son of her first marriage, the Duc de Luynes.

François Auguste de Thou

His guilty deed between Anne of Austria and Marie de Rohan was pardonned, but he fell in the conspiracy between Spain and Cinq-Mars, king Louis XIII's favourite.

Fulk III, Count of Anjou

While fighting against the Bretons and Blesevins, protecting his territory from Vendôme to Angers and from there to Montrichard, he had more than a hundred castles, donjons, and abbeys constructed, including those at Château-Gontier, Loches (a stone keep), and Montbazon.

The Vampire Council of Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter

A member of the vampire council; although translated in the novels as "lover of death," his name more accurately translates to "death of love" or "death from love." (For example, Aloysius Bertrand's poem "Madam de Montbazon" includes the line "Elle était morte d'amour, rendant son âme dans le parfum d'une jacinthe," which translates to "She had died of love, leaving her soul in the perfume of a hyacinth.")

Wendy Albiston

In 2002, she played De Chevreuse in the Doctor Who audio drama The Church and the Crown and guest starred in the Sarah Jane Smith adventure The TAO Connection.

see also