
unusual facts about Marin Barleti

Coat of arms of Albania

This opinion agrees with the work of Marin Barleti who writes: "When the people saw all those young and brave men around Skanderbeg, then it was not hard to believe that the armies of Sultan Murat were so defeated by the Albanians. Indeed, the times when the star of Macedon shone brilliantly had returned, just as they seemed in those long forgotten times of Pyrrhus and Alexander."

Jaques De Lavardin

Jacques de Lavardin, was a lord in Plessis-Bourrot, squire and noble of the king of France, known for the translation of two works in French: the Celestine from Fernando de Rojas and of the Historia de vita et rebus gestis Scanderbegi, a chronic of the Kingdom of Gjergj Kastriot Skanderbeg from Marin Barleti.

see also