
unusual facts about Martène


Edmond Martène |

Alger of Liège

#De Misericordia et Justitia (On Mercy and Justice), a collection of biblical extracts and sayings of Church Fathers with commentary (an important work for the history of church law and discipline), which is to be found in the Anecdota of Martène, vol.

Bernhard Pez

In 1728 he accompanied Count Sinzendorf to France, where he made the acquaintance of Montfaucon, Martène Durand, Le Texier, Calmet etc., and enriched his collection from the libraries of the order.

Ralph of Coggeshall

The so-called Libellus de motibus anglicanis sub rege Johanne (printed by Martène and Durand, Ampl. Collectio, v. pp. 871–882) is merely an excerpt from the Chronicon Anglicanum.

see also