
4 unusual facts about Mary MacLane

Arthur Berthelet

Berthelet is remembered particularly for having directed William Gillette - noted as the definitive early Sherlock Holmes - in his only filmed performance as the great detective - and controversial feminist Mary MacLane in her silent movie Men Who Have Made Love to Me.

James G. Kiernan

Kiernan went on to write of a variety of topics, e.g. Mary MacLane's disciple Viola Larsen, who stole a horse and wrote romantic letters to other girls, as an example of child precocity and possible genius.

Marie Bashkirtseff

The diary was cited by an American contemporary, Mary MacLane, whose own shockingly confessional diary drew inspiration from Bashkirtseff's.

Mathilda Malling

Malling's first novel was cited by prominent American psychologist G. Stanley Hall, in his pioneering study of adolescence, as a parallel to the famously frank (and accusedly egotistic) authors Marie Bashkirtseff, Hilma Angered Strandberg, and Mary MacLane.

see also