The Adventures of Rupert Bear was a live-action, puppet television series, based on the Mary Tourtel character, Rupert Bear, produced by ATV Network, and aired from 28 October 1969 to 24 August 1977 on the ITV network, with 156 11-minute episodes produced over four series.
Queen Mary | Mary | Mary, Queen of Scots | Mary I of England | Mary J. Blige | Mary Shelley | Mary Poppins | Mary Pickford | Mary of Teck | RMS Queen Mary | Mary Magdalene | Mary Robinson | Mary Landrieu | Assumption of Mary | The Mary Tyler Moore Show | Mary (mother of Jesus) | Mary-Kate Olsen | The Jesus and Mary Chain | Mary Chapin Carpenter | Mary Tyler Moore | Mary Stuart | Mary Hopkin | Peter, Paul and Mary | Mary Lou Retton | Mary II of England | Mary Froning | Mary Black | Mary Cassatt | Hail Mary | William and Mary |
The churchyard contains the graves of many notable local families and well-known people including Thomas Sidney Cooper, RA (artist) and Mary Tourtel, the creator of Rupert Bear.