
unusual facts about Mary Tudor, Queen of France

La Basoche

She gets herself taken on at the tavern, where the next day the widowed Louis XII will receive his new young wife, Mary of England, the sister of Henry VIII.

Ann Tyrrell

In 1953, she appeared unbilled as Mary Tudor sister of Queen Elizabeth I in the M-G-M historical drama Queen Bess and in 1955, she appeared in the film Seven Angry Men with Raymond Massey and Jeffrey Hunter.

Anne Bourchier, Baroness Dacre

Mary Fiennes (1495–1531), Maid of Honour to Mary Tudor, Queen of France, and Queen Claude of France married Sir Henry Norris, who was executed for treason as one of the alleged lovers of Queen Anne Boleyn.

Flower and Hawk

In her long life of eighty-two years she was born the Duchess of Aquitaine and Countess of Poitou, became Queen of France through marriage to Louis VII, and later became Queen of England when she married Henry II.

Henry Pole, 1st Baron Montagu

Henry Courtenay, 1st Marquess of Exeter, was arrested along with his wife and 11-year old son (his wife would be released two years later while their son spent 15 years in the Tower until his release by Queen Mary I on 3 August 1553).

Pattyndenne Manor

In the 16th century it was sold to Sir Maurice Berkeley, son of Lord Berkeley and a Standard-bearer to Henry VIII, Mary Tudor and Elizabeth I.

Petit appartement de la reine

These rooms, situated behind the grand appartement de la reine, and which now open onto two interior courtyards, were the private domain of the Queens of France, Maria Theresa of Spain, Marie Leszczyńska, and Marie-Antoinette as well as of the duchesse de Bourgogne as dauphine.

Succession to Elizabeth I of England

Descent from the two daughters of Henry VII who reached adulthood, Margaret and Mary Tudor, was the first and main issue in the succession.

see also