
26 unusual facts about Mbunda Kingdom


The Municipality of Bundas now hosts the Mbunda Monarch King Mwene Mbandu III Mbandu Lifuti after its restoration on 16 August 2008, since the kidnapping of King Mbandu I Kapova Lyondthzi by the Portuguese colonialists.

History of Angola

The Mbunda Kingdom in Mbundaland, southeast of the now Angola endured until late nineteenth century, one of the oldest and biggest ethnic grouping in Southern Africa.

Angola as a Portuguese colony encompassing the present territory was not established before the end of the 19th century, and "effective occupation", as required by the Berlin Conference (1884) was achieved only by the 1920s after the Mbunda resistance and abduction of their King, Mwene Mbandu I Kapova.


The Municipality is now under the traditional authority of a Mbunda Paramount Chief Mwene Kangamba, who ascribes to the Mbunda Monarch, His Majesty, King Mbunda III Mbandu Lifuti restored on 16 August 2008, in Moxico, Angola.

Mavinga, Cuando Cubango

Mavinga is one of the four Mbunda municipalities in Angola, predominantly occupied by the Mbunda under the traditional authority of a Mbunda Paramount Chief Mwene Chondela, who ascribes to the Mbunda Monarch, His Majesty King Mbandu III Mbandu Lifuti restored on 16 August 2008, in Moxico, Angola.

Mbunda people

His successor and 20th Mbunda monarch, King Mwene Katavola II Musangu, who was believed to be one of the plotters of his assassination contravened the royal decree of his predecessor by his passion for a Chokwe slave beauty named Nyakoma, who was owned by the Chokwe Chief called Mwa Mushilinjinji whom he allocated land to settle at the Luwe, a tributary of the Nengu river.

Name of the 22nd Mbunda King who was installed by the Portuguese colonialista, after abducting King Mwene Mbandu I Lyondthzi Kapova, the 21st Monarch of Mbundaland in the now Angola.

Name of the 21st Mbunda King who resisted the

st Mbunda King who resisted the Portuguese occupation of Mbundaland in 1914.

Name of the 23rd Mbunda King and the first to be

That came about after the death of the 19th Mbunda monarch King Mwene Katavola I Mwechela, who was believed to have been assassinated after an abolitionist cabal, clandestinely plotted against him due to his promulgating a royal decree which forbade intermarriages with other nationalities.

This system of traditional rule had been one of the fundamental factors which had contributed to the relative stability and consolidation of the Mbunda national state ever since the era of the renowned founder King Mwene Yambayamba Kapanda, the 13th Mbunda monarch.

Name of the famous 20th Mbunda King who fought and defeated the Chokwe people in the now Angola.

The first Mbunda Monarch was King Mwene Nkuungu.

In the southern route, to the south of the confluence of Kwilu and Kasai rivers, the fifth Mbunda Monarch, King Mwene Chinguli traveled all the way south to the now Cuando Cubango chasing the Bushmen and replacing them in the new found lands with the Mbunda descendants who were later known as the Chimbandi, the Ngonjelo, the Humbi, the Luimbi and the Nyemba.

Queen Vamwene Mukenge, Livindamo was the last female Mbunda monarch.

Name of the 22nd Mbunda King who was installed by the Portuguese colonialists, after abducting King Mwene Mbandu I Lyondthzi Kapova, the 21st Monarch of Mbundaland in the now Angola.

When Prince Consort Mukwetunga Kamenga returned with the Mukanda circumcision ritual, he found King Mwene Katete ka Lweembe who sent him had died and the Prince Consort's wife, Princesses Vamunamwene Mukenge had succeeded him.

Name of the 14th Mbunda King

The Mbunda continued expanding southwards to a larger settlement, where the Mbunda Kingdom continued to flourish in what became known as Mbundaland from Lungwevungu river to Chibanda or southern border with Namibia, while Lumbala Nguimbo became their capital, where His Majesty King Mbandu III Mbandu Lifuti reigns today.


It is one of the four Mbunda municipalities in Angola, predominantly occupied by the Mbunda under the traditional authority of Mbunda Chiefs Mwene Vunonge and Mwene Kangamba (Mwene Chainda Ngongola), who ascribe to the Mbunda Monarch, His Majesty King Mbandu III Mbandu Lifuti restored on 16 August 2008, in Moxico, Angola.

Mwene Mbandu Kapova I of Mbunda

This was after the Mbunda discovered that their 20th Monarch Mwene Katavola II Musangu did not arrive at the palace in Kovongo within a few days after the Mbunda-Chokwe battle, having been ambushed and killed by the Chokwe guards who then ran away, all the way back to their original homeland in the present-day Democratic Republic of the Congo.

This system of traditional rule had been one of the fundamental factors which had contributed to the relative stability and consolidation of the Mbunda national state ever since the era of the renowned founder Mwene Yambayamba Kapanda.

Rulers of Mbundaland

From Prince Munamwene Nkonde and his children with Princess Vamunamwene Lukokesha developed the Mbunda Kingdom,.

That made her brother Prince Munamwene Nkonde to become so incensed with her conduct that he led most of the Mbunda in frustration anger from Namampongwe and to re-establish the Mbunda Kingdom at the confluence of Kwilu and Kasai rivers.

The following is a complete list of rulers of the Mbunda Kingdom, established at the confluence of Kwilu and Kasai rivers in the now Democratic Republic of the Congo in the fifteenth century.