
unusual facts about Meerut district

Siege of Delhi, 1757

Instead of paying the promised tribute of 5 lakh rupees to Marathas, Najib once again started building an army to take back control of his lost territory in the Meerat region which had been captured by Marathas.


In U.P. it is also called donk there are so many villages of Daak like Kadva in Bagpat, Aaghapur in Noida, Behrampur, Andawali, Lawar, Shahpur Batavli in Meerut, Tamur Nagar in Delhi, Radour in saharanpur district.

see also


At pre independence time it was under Meerut district area and Meerut has only two Tehsils one of them was Meerut Sadar Tehsil whereas otherwas Hapur Tehsil.