Played by Meg Foster, she is shown as Skeletor's main sidekick as in the cartoon, although the film adds an extra dimension to her relationship with Skeletor by indicating some amount of romance between the two.
Jodie Foster | David Foster | Stephen Foster | John Foster Dulles | Meg Ryan | Al Foster | Norman Foster | Rube Foster | James Foster | David Foster Wallace | Foster and Partners | Norman Foster, Baron Foster of Thames Bank | Mo Foster | Lawrence Foster | Frank Foster | Ben Foster | Vince Foster | Frank Foster (musician) | Foster care | Alan Dean Foster | Meg Cabot | Meg | Julia Foster | John Foster | Ian Foster | Hunter Foster | Ben Foster (actor) | Arlene Foster | ''The Wake Of Jamie Foster'' | Murphy J. Foster, Jr. |
The plot involves an East-meets-West buddy scenario similar to what the Rush Hour franchise became, starring martial artist Sonny Chiba, wrestler Roddy Piper, Meg Foster and Tiny Lister.