
unusual facts about Memorial University

Deep Roots

Power, who began the program while still attending Memorial University, is believed to be the youngest regular host of a CBC Radio program since Peter Jennings's tenure as host of Peter's People in 1947 (at the age of nine).

John R. Courage

He was born in Long Harbour Beach, Fortune Bay and educated in North Sydney, Nova Scotia, in Pass Islands and at Memorial University.

Kate Armstrong

She attended university at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, at the University of Montpellier, France, The University of Glasgow, Scotland, and at Memorial University in St. John’s, Newfoundland.

Oliver Langdon

He was born in Seal Cove, Fortune Bay and educated at Memorial University.

Percy Barrett

He was born in Woody Island, the son of Sidney Barrett, and was educated at Memorial University and the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.


The idea for the game was originally conceived in 2007 when Alex Brown, Rob Rees, and Albert Chaulk, the three co-founders of Source Studio, were engineering students together at Memorial University.

see also

Sounds of The Four Tops

Peterkin's dynamic stage production and dramatic works for Sounds of the Four Tops are inspired by the traditional Black Greek Fraternity "Step Shows" at Freddie Lee Peterkin's Alma Mater, Florida Memorial University which have a significant historic tradition.

Transylvanian Society of Dracula

The Canadian chapter is run by Prof. Elizabeth Miller, Professor of English (retired) at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, author, among others, of “Dracula, Sense & Nonsense” and a facsimile edition of Bram Stoker's notes for Dracula.