
unusual facts about Menelik II of Ethiopia


According to Oscar Rudolph Neumann, who visited the town in 1902, Gidole was the seat of the queen of the Dirashe until the Ethiopians under Menelik II conquered them; the woman was still alive at the time of Neumann's visit.

Orazio Antinori

In 1876 he took part in an expedition with Gustavo Chiarini and Antonio Cecchi to the province of Shewa in Ethiopia where they met with Negus Menelik at Liche, and obtained his permission to found a geographical station at Let Marefia.

Tristram Speedy

He returned to Ethiopia in 1897, as part of Rennell Rodd, 1st Baron Rennell's mission to the court of King Menelik to negotiate the Anglo-Ethiopian Treaty, which defined the border with Sudan.

see also