
unusual facts about Mesona chinensis

Grass jelly

There are two common kinds of grass jelly in Vietnam which are Mesona chinensis (called sương sáo in Vietnamese) and Tiliacora triandra (called sương sâm; sương sa or rau câu is the name for jelly made from various kinds of algae).


Exemplar species in this genus are Mesona procumbens Hemsley and Mesona chinensis, generically called xiancao (仙草) in Mandarin Chinese, sian-chháu in Taiwanese, and leung fan cao (涼粉草) in Cantonese, sương sáo in Vietnamese.

see also

Shitan, Miaoli

Mesona (仙草), specifically Mesona chinensis, which is served as a hot, viscous drink, or curded and served over ice as a type of grass jelly.