
unusual facts about Metro Times

Chris Kutalik

His writing has also appeared in the print and online versions of the Detroit News, Metro Times, Z Magazine, CounterPunch, Monthly Review, Against the Current, Canadian Dimension, and in numerous union publications.

Detroit Free Press v. Ashcroft

Believing this closure to be a violation to First Amendment rights to speech and press, The Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, Metro Times, Haddad, and Michigan Representative John Conyers filed a suit against John Ashcroft, Michael Creppy, and Immigration Judge Elizabeth Hacker (the Government) claiming that the Creppy Directive was unconstitutional.

The Perry Bible Fellowship

PBF was once updated weekly on Sundays to correspond with its "Biblical" title. According to the official website, it appeared in 21 newspapers, five magazines and five school papers. These included the Baltimore City Paper Philadelphia City Paper, New York Press, The Chicago Reader, the Metro Times, The Guardian, The Portland Mercury, City Newspaper (in Rochester, NY), the Ottawa Xpress, Buffalo Beast and Black & White.

see also