However, the franchise is now suspended pending a move to the Continental Basketball Association, where it will be known as the Miami Majesty.
Miami | Miami Vice | University of Miami | Miami Dolphins | Miami Beach, Florida | Miami University | Miami Beach | Miami International Airport | On Her Majesty's Secret Service (film) | On Her Majesty's Secret Service | Miami-Dade County, Florida | Miami Marlins | Her Majesty's Theatre | Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council | Miami-Dade County | Downtown Miami | Miami Heat | Her Majesty's Government | Her Majesty's Coastguard | Miami Masters | The Miami Herald | Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Prisons | Miami Orange Bowl | His Majesty's Theatre | Her Majesty's Diplomatic Service | Miami Seaquarium | Miami and Erie Canal | Miami River | Miami Ink | Her Majesty's Prison Service |