
unusual facts about Michelle Malkin

2006 Lebanon War photographs controversies

Another one was published in the 31 July issue of Time, with a caption saying the fire came from the "wreckage of a downed Israeli jet." Michelle Malkin and anonymous blogger Allahpundit stated that the fire in the background appeared to be a large pile of burning tires.

Blog Wars

The 60 minute film features a range of top bloggers, liberal and conservative, including: Markos Moulitsas, founder of DailyKos; Michelle Malkin, blogger and Fox News Commentator; Jane Hamsher, founder of firedoglake; John Hinderaker, co-founder of Powerline; Charles Foster Johnson, founder of littlegreenfootballs; Andrew Sullivan, former editor of the New Republic.

Lincoln Club of Orange County

The Club has also hosted events with pundits such as Mark Steyn, Jonah Goldberg, Stephen Moore, Amity Shlaes, Victor Davis Hanson, and Michelle Malkin.

see also