During the 1950s and well into the 60s Chris Barber, Terry Lightfoot, Acker Bilk, George Chisholm, Kenny Ball, Mick Mulligan and Mike Cotton - who "went R'n'B" in 1963-4 - made regular appearances live, on the air and in the British charts, as did Louis Armstrong himself.
Mick Jagger | Mick Taylor | Mick Ronson | Mick Molloy | Mick Foley | Mick Doohan | Mick Veivers | Mick Goodrick | Mick Anglo | Mick Napier | Mick Karn | Mick Harris | Mick Channon | Carey Mulligan | Mick Scott | Mick Rock | Mick Mercer | Mick McCarthy | Mick Harvey | Mick Pearce | Mick Mixon | Mick Martin | Mick Garris | Mick Cornett | Mick | Biddy Mulligan the Pride of the Coombe | Terry David Mulligan | Mick the Miller | Mick Talbot | Mick Sullivan |