
unusual facts about Mike Davis

Bastards of the Party

During a term in jail, Cle Sloan picked up a book titled, City of Quartz by Mike Davis.

Feel My Power

In the mid-80s while rapping in small venues and after a record deal went sour, Hammer borrowed $20,000 each from former Oakland A's players Mike Davis and Dwayne Murphy to start a record label business called Bust It Productions.

The Rag

Among The Rag Blogs regular contributors are prominent alternative journalists and activists like Paul Krassner, Robert Jensen, Mike Davis, Harvey Wasserman, Jonah Raskin, Judy Gumbo Albert, Tom Hayden, Carl Davidson, David P. Hamilton, and Harry Targ, and The Rag Blog served as a primary outlet for the late poet/journalist John Ross' reporting from Mexico.

see also

Radford Electronics

Mike Davis joined John as a partner in 1989, and they worked together to launch the CD player and update the range of valve equipment as part of the Renaissance series.