Roger Moore | Mike Tyson | Michael Moore | Alan Moore | Mike Oldfield | Henry Moore | Mike Harris | Thurston Moore | Mandy Moore | Mike Nattrass | Thomas Moore | Gary Moore | Demi Moore | Mike Leigh | The Mary Tyler Moore Show | Mike Watt | Christy Moore | Dudley Moore | Mike Mignola | Mike Gordon | Mike | Mike Nichols | Patrick Moore | Mary Tyler Moore | Mike Rutherford | Julianne Moore | Grace Moore | Mike Wallace | Mike Stern | Mike Huckabee |
Many Major Leaguers have played at Johnson Stadium, including Roger Clemens, Joe Carter, Kirk Gibson, Tony Gwynn, Keith Lockhart, Pete Incaviglia, Kevin McReynolds, Mike Moore, and Robin Ventura.
He played with some popular players of the day, including Clarence Lytle, Home Run Johnson, MIke Moore, Johnny Davis, William Binga, and Sherman Barton.
He played with several popular players of the day, including Home Run Johnson, Rube Foster, Mike Moore, Bill Gatewood, Dick Wallace, and George Hopkins.
Clayton Cosgrove - Mike Moore's former Private Secretary in Christchurch.