The area around the Kameng river has at various times come under the control and influence of the Mon kingdoms, Tibet and the Ahom kingdom.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms | Three Kingdoms | Mon | Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI | Mon people | Scotland in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms | Romance of the Three Kingdoms (video game series) | Mon Repos | Mon language | C'mon Everybody | Records of the Three Kingdoms | Mon ami m'a quittée | Hoots Mon! (1940 film) | Hoots Mon! | Fernando Mon | Three Kingdoms of Korea | Que mon cœur lâche | Mon Valley Works - Irvin Plant | Mon State | Mon Repos, Saint Lucia | mon | Middle kingdoms of India | Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms | Hiroshima mon amour | Zhou Fang (Three Kingdoms) | Wang Chang (Three Kingdoms) | The Twelve Kingdoms: The Vast Spread of the Seas | The Twelve Kingdoms: Skies of Dawn | The Twelve Kingdoms: Sea of Wind | The Twelve Kingdoms: Sea of Shadow |
Up until the 12th century AD, it was the lingua franca of the Irrawaddy valley—not only in the Mon kingdoms of the lower Irrawaddy valley but also of upriver Burman kingdom of Pagan (Bagan).