
unusual facts about Moulouya River

Moha ou Said

The Zaian war was eventually brought to a close in 1921 following the death of Hammou and the submission of the remaining Zaian Confederation members however said continued his resistance, fleeing first to the Moulouya Valley and then to the highest mountains of the High Atlas after his defeat at the Battle of El Ksiba in April 1922 by General Joseph-François Poeymirau and Colonel Henry Freydenberg.

see also

Water supply and sanitation in Morocco

The agencies cover the following basins ranked in the order of the available water resources in each basin: Sebou River, Moulouya River, Oum Er-Rbia River, Bou Regreg River, Tensift River, Loukkos River and the Souss-Massa basin, Ziz-Er Gheris et Sakia el Hamra-Oued Eddahab.