
unusual facts about Mountain Meadows massacre

Dudley Leavitt

While he is cited in Jon Krakauer's bestseller, Under the Banner of Heaven as a participant in the Mountain Meadows massacre of 1857, Leavitt is said to have never discussed the massacre, except to have remarked later in life, "I thank God that these old hands have never been stained by human blood."

Ezra Drown

On October 12, 1857, a mass meeting at the Pavilion on the Los Angeles Plaza was held in concern over the Mountain Meadows Massacre by Mormons and American Indians in Utah Territory.

Mormonism and violence

Even after Mormons established a community hundreds of miles away in the Salt Lake Valley in Utah in 1847, anti-Mormon activists in the Utah Territory convinced President Buchanan that the Mormons in the territory were rebelling against the United States due to the Mountain Meadows massacre and plural marriage.

see also

Conspiracy and siege of the Mountain Meadows massacre

The Mountain Meadows massacre was caused in part by events relating to the Utah War, an 1858 invasion of the Utah Territory by the United States Army which ended up being peaceful.

Robert H. Briggs

A member of the Miller Eccles Study Group's board of directors, Briggs also wrote "The Tragedy at Mountain Meadows Massacre: Toward a Consensus Account and Time Line," as well as reviews of Sally Denton’s American Massacre, Will Bagley’s Blood of the Prophets, and Richard E. Turley, Jr. et al's Massacre at Mountain Meadows.