Municipalities of Germany | Canton | canton | Municipalities of the Philippines | Vaud | Canton, Ohio | Municipalities of Japan | Canton of Jura | Canton of Uri | Canton of Bern | Sarajevo Canton | Canton of Zürich | Canton of St. Gallen | Canton of Geneva | Municipalities of Switzerland | Canton of Marseille-Verduron | Municipalities of Spain | Canton of Neuchâtel | Canton of Marseille-Les Cinq-Avenues | Canton of Marseille-La Capelette | Canton of Glarus | Canton Bulldogs | Bern (canton) | Salcedo Canton | Municipalities of Brazil | Ključ, Una-Sana Canton | Canton of Solothurn | Canton of Marseille-La Belle-de-Mai | Canton, Cardiff | Municipalities of Finland |
La Rogivue was an independent commune in Vaud, Switzerland until it was incorporated into the municipality of Maracon.